Expected results
The Intellectual Outputs on the classroom level and the professional development level are achieved by the methodology of Design Research. This methodology combines the iterative development of teaching-learning-arrangements (for students or for teachers) with the study of their functioning in design experiments which allows important insights informing the re-design.
In the long run, we expect that the participating students enhance their mathematical competencies (especially in the field of percentages, proportional reasoning and functional relationships) and thus we also expect positive effects on their overall vocational qualification. Teachers who take part in the project are professionalized in the field of language-responsive and work-place related teaching and might later also work as multipliers and teacher educators. Since the work on the system level applies the methodology of transdisciplinary networking, the research results and development products are disseminated from what we expect that also other schools – not directly taking part in the project – will modify their teaching of mathematics.
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